Geocaching: Outdoor Treasure Hunting

Geocaching: outdoor treasure is an outdoor treasure hunting game. The site offers several quests in the form of GPS coordinates in order to encourage players to explore their neighborhood and locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online.

The company behind the service, Groundspeak, was founded in 2000, and since then, their community has grown steadily upwards. The site attracts nowadays around 300’000 unique visitors each month.

The original founders were Jeremy Irish, Bryan Roth and Elias Alvord. They’re now located in Seattle, USA.

Geocaching is a hobby for millions of people, combining high-tech GPS devices, a natural instinct for exploration and outdoor physical activity to create the perfect fun for a weekend exploration. Couples proposed, engaged, got married and shared this common passion for decades, to name just a few of the things geocaching facilitated across the years, as you can see in the video below.

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